NES Replica of Geometry Wars 2 - Pacifism

I completed this game in April 2024.

Gameplay Notes

Enemies automatically spawn from the corners and target you. Fly through gates to make them explode, instantly clearing them and all nearby enemies.

I made a number of changes from the original game.

Most notably, a green enemy will begin to spawn once you hit phase 3 of the spawning cycles. This enemy ignores the standard reds and flies across the board from wall to wall. Every bounce (whether off a wall, or off another green) makes it more dangerous, speeding it up and letting it target you more. With enough bounces, it turns into a deadly purple enemy.

Other changes include the board walls, which speed you up, and the rectangular zones near them, which slow enemies down. Gate sizes are also slightly randomized, you gain a shield on every new point digit (starting from 6 digits), and every second that passes makes the default speed of every sprite (including yourself) slightly faster.

The rest of the game is very similar though, such as flying through multiple gates to enable combo points, the instant game-over upon a single collision, and a slowly shifting hue applying to most of the effects.

Gameplay Videos

Pacifism Level

Additional Mechanics

What is this game?

"Geometry" is a 2D top-down space game. It's based on Geometry Wars 2 (Pacifism).

Additional Notes

When starting out, I re-used some sprites from an older widescreen version of this game. In retrospect, this was a total mistake, as I never once considered how gameplay would be affected from this game now being based on such a smaller resolution. Luckily, things still turned out okay - although I never originally intended for the camera to look so 'zoomed in'.

Geometry Wars 2 is one of the handful of games I've ever bought digitally, solely due to it never being released physically. I was never any good at the five other gamemodes.

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